Though quantum mechanics is a dynamical theory much like Newtonian mechanics, there are key differences between the two. In Newton’s…
Symbolized by the letter n, this number describes the shell that an electron resides in. An electron “shell” is a…
Pulsed lasers can be used in the synthesis of nanoparticles of silver. Silver nitrate solution and a reducing agent are…
In 1935 Yukawa proposed in his paper that there exist a meson field, that is, a field that is different…
Generally all particles other than field particles can be classified into two broad categories: Hadrons Leptons Hadrons Particles that interact…
Compton Effect was a key experiment that provided the most direct evidence for the particle nature of radiation. Arthur Holly…
Nanoparticles can be produced by decomposing solids at high temperature having metal cations, and molecular anions or metal organic compounds.…
The theory of electromagnetism was developed by physicist James Clerk Maxwell. According to his theory, an alternating current would set…
The lithographic methods used to make silicon chips for computers are approaching their limits in reducing the sizes of circuitry…
While the existence of the photoelectric effect can be understood within the framework of classical electromagnetic theory since it was…