Electricity and Magnetism

Lightning as an Electrical Phenomenon

Friction produces electric charges high in the atmosphere. This occurs when small particles such as water droplets and ice collide…

1 year ago

The Physics Behind Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI provides physicians with a tool to assess a patient’s health. To have an MRI exam, the patient lies in…

1 year ago

The Operation of Magnetically Levitated Trains (Maglevs)

Magnetic levitation (maglev), take place when the magnetic interaction is strong enough to balance the force of gravity. The like…

2 years ago

Basic Facts about Superconductors

Most of the conductors we use in our daily life are metals such copper wire. While these conductors are useful…

2 years ago

Coulomb’s Law and Electric Field

According to Benjamin Franklin, we have two types of electric charges i.e. positive and negative charges. Positive and negative charges…

2 years ago

Uses of Static Electricity

Even though static electricity can be unsafe, it has some uses as discussed below: In vehicles spark plugs ignite fuel…

2 years ago