
The Production of Nanoparticles through Pulsed Laser Techniques

Pulsed lasers can be used in the synthesis of nanoparticles of silver. Silver nitrate solution and a reducing agent are flowed through a blender like device. In the blender there is a solid disk, which rotates in the solution. The solid disk is subjected to pulses from a laser beam creating hot spots on the surface of the disk. This is illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 1.0 Silver nanoparticles production using a pulsed laser beam

The silver nitrate and the reducing agent react at these hot spots, resulting in the formation of small silver particles, which can be separated from the solution using a centrifuge. The size of the particles is controlled by the energy of the laser and the rotation speed of the disk. This technique is capable of a high rate of production of 2-3 g/min.

Related: How Nanoparticles are produced through Thermolysis

John Mulindi

John has a background in Industrial Instrumentation and Applied Physics as well as Electrical Systems (Light and Heavy current). When he is not working or writing he likes watching football, traveling and reading.

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