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What is a Black Hole?

A black hole can be described as an area of space where the gravity is so strong that nothing, including light or other electromagnetic waves has enough energy to escape it. In varied ways, a black hole acts like an ideal black body, as it reflects no light.

Black holes are thought to form when stars collapse on themselves.

What is a Black Hole?

Types of black holes

So far we have three main types of black holes:

  • Stellar black holes
  • Supermassive black holes
  • Intermediate black holes

Stellar black holes

This type of black holes form when a star collapses or falls into itself after it has utilized all its fuel. The new core of tiny stars i.e. those with masses up to around three times of the sun will eventually transform into a neutron star. Then as a larger star fragments, it will keep getting smaller and smaller (denser and denser) until it forms a stellar black hole.

Supermassive black holes

This type forms the biggest portion of black holes of the cosmos. These black holes are millions or billions of times more massive than the sun.

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Intermediate black holes

Intermediate black holes fall between stellar black holes and Supermassive black holes.

Intermediate black holes are believed to form when multiple stellar black holes undergo a series of amalgamations with one another. These fusions frequently occur in crowded areas of galaxies.

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